Even after you retire you are liable to pay taxes, though you’ll likely have to pay less than when you were working. This is because you no longer have to pay pension contributions to the Dutch government after you reach your AOW age.
Several amounts are deducted from your gross pension:
Payroll tax
Payroll tax is the tax you pay on your income (for example, you salary or pension). More information about payroll tax can be found at this page of the Tax and Customs Administration.
Contribution Healthcare Insurance Act (Zvw)
In addition to the premium you pay yourself for your healthcare insurance, you also pay an income-related contribution for your healthcare insurance in the Netherlands. This is the Zvw contribution. More information about this contribution can be found on this page of the Tax and Customs Administration.
The net pension is the pension we pay to you. We automatically deduct tax and the contribution under the Healthcare Insurance Act for you. We pay these to the Tax and Customs Administration.
That is because the tax rules may be change on 1 January 2025. Want to know more about the tax rules? Please visit the website of the central government.
Whether your net pension will be higher or lower depends on your personal situation. And whether how the tax rules change. The amount of your pension in 2025 you will see on your monthly specification of January 2025. It will be available on your personal page at the end of February 2025.
If you have indicated in your communication preferences that you wish to receive digital mail, you will be notified automatically. If you do not want to receive digital mail, you will receive your monthly specification by post no later than the end of February
In addition to the pension you receive from us, do you have any other income, such as a state pension or a pension from another pension administrator? In that case, you may end up having to pay additional tax at the end of the year. This is because the Tax and Customs Administration adds up all your incomes in a year.
Part of your income may in that case fall under a higher tax rate. Want to know in advance how much you have to pay back? Contact the Tax and Customs Administration for a provisional assessment.