If you watch the film clip below, it explains the choices you have
When you eventually retire, you can have either a stable or a variable pension. From the end of 2019 onwards, participants who accrue pension capital with us will be given a choice around the age of 58. Are you already older than 58? Then you do also have this choice.
By a stable pension we mean that the level of monthly pension you receive will be more or less the same for the rest of your life. While our aim is to increase this pension (indexation), we may have to reduce it (cut back), if our financial position requires this.
By a variable pension we mean that the level of your pension may change from month to month. Your pension will always depend on the investment results. These could be positive; but they could also be negative. The monthly pension you receive is therefore variable.
Would you like a stable or variable pension on retirement?
Until your 58th birthday, we invest all of your accrued pension capital. Are you turning 58 soon? If so, at the end of that year you must choose whether you want a stable or variable pension on retirement. You will receive a letter from us about this.
What happens to my pension capital until I actually retire?
Each year, we use part of your pension capital to purchase a stable pension for you. We do this in the following way:
What will I receive when I retire?
You will receive a stable pension from us. And you’ll receive it each month for the rest of your life.
How does that work in the context of investing?
Until the time I retire
We will continue to invest any of your pension capital that has not been converted into a pension. Here you can see the way we do this
From the time I retire
You will receive a stable pension from us. This means that your pension does not experience any large fluctuations due to positive or negative investment results. Although we may have to reduce (cut back) your pension if our financial position requires we do so. Or we may raise your pension if we have sufficient funds to do so (indexation).
What are the advantages?
Until the time I retire
What are the disadvantages?
Until the time I retire
From the time I retire
What happens to my pension capital until I actually retire?
We continue investing all your pension capital until the time you retire. When you retire, you can reconsider the choices regarding your pension. You can find more information in this respect under ‘The choices you exercise when you retire’.
What will I receive when I retire?
Are you retiring? If so, you can choose to make a one-off purchase of a stable pension with Pensioenfonds PGB. Or you could choose to transfer your pension to another pension provider. We will provide a proposal in respect of a stable pension with us. However, you personally have to ask for a variable pension proposal from one (or more) other provider (providers). This means that your pension will always be dependent on the investment results of the other provider.
How does that work in the context of investing?
Until the time I retire
To minimise the risks of disappointing results, we invest your pension capital using a prudent investment profile. When investing, we take account of the fact that at a later stage you would like a variable pension. And that, even after you retire, you are prepared to run an investment risk. Here you can see the way we do this.
From the time I retire
A variable pension means that your pension will always be dependent on investments. When you retire, you cannot purchase a variable pension with Pensioenfonds PGB. You have to do so with another provider. The level of your pension then depends on the investment results of this other provider.
What are the advantages?
Until the time I retire
From the time I retire
What are the disadvantages?
Until the time I retire
From the time I retire
How do you make a good choice?
We consider it very important that you know what these choices mean for you, given your own situation. Consequently, we are providing you with information about the choices. Ultimately, it is you who decides which choice is best for you.
Have you previously opted for a stable pension?
If so, when you eventually retire, you will receive a stable monthly pension from us. More information about applying for a pension, and the options you have, can be found here.
Have you previously opted for a variable pension?
If so, when you retire you have to make a final decision as to whether you want to purchase a stable pension with us or transfer your pension capital to another provider. You will receive a variable pension from that provider. We will automatically provide a proposal in respect of a stable pension with us. You personally have to ask for a variable pension proposal from other providers.
How does that work?
When you retire, you make a one-off purchase of a stable pension with Pensioenfonds PGB. That means you will receive a stable monthly pension from us for the rest of your life.
How does that work in the context of investing?
You will receive a stable pension from us. This means that your pension does not experience any large fluctuations due to positive or negative investment results. Although we may have to reduce (cut back) your pension if our financial position requires we do so.
What are the advantages?
What are the disadvantages?
How does that work?
Pensioenfonds PGB does not offer a variable pension. Would you like to continue investing after your retirement? If so, you should ask for proposals from other providers. You then transfer your pension capital to the provider of your choice and you will receive a variable pension from that provider. You cannot choose to have a stable pension with another provider.
How does that work in the context of investing?
Are you transferring your pension capital to another provider? If so, your variable pension from that provider depends on that provider’s investment results.
What are the advantages?
You have a chance of a higher pension if the investment results of the other provider are positive (the interest rate and life expectancy also play a role).
What are the disadvantages?
How do you make a good choice?
We consider it very important that you know what these choices mean for you, given your own situation. Consequently, we provide information about the choices. Ultimately, it is you who decides which choice is best for you.
Yes, that’s correct. Participants have only had this choice since the end of 2019. This choice is, therefore, new. Were you older than 58 at the end of 2019 and were you not offered this choice? If so, you will receive a stable monthly pension from us. We gradually purchase pension for you until you retire. You can, therefore, no longer opt for a variable pension. Nor is it possible for you to opt to transfer your pension to another pension provider on your retirement date.
We cannot decide what the best choice is for you. However, we try our best to help you make a personal choice. That is why you automatically receive information when you have to exercise a choice. You can also contact us if you have any questions or need help when choosing. You can phone us on +31 (0) 20 541 82 00 or email us via ks@pensioenfondspgb.nl. Prior to making a choice, you may also like to seek assistance from a financial adviser.
Did you opt for a stable pension around your 58th birthday? If so, your choice is final. When you eventually retire, you will receive a stable pension from us.
Did you provisionally opt for a variable pension around the age of 58? If so, you can subsequently (but only once) opt to have a stable pension. We will then gradually purchase a stable pension for you. Otherwise, we continue investing all your pension capital. Are you retiring? If so, at that moment, you have to make a final decision as to whether you want to make a one-off purchase of a stable pension with us, or receive a variable pension from another provider.
We deem it very important for you to make a conscious choice about your pension. Consequently, once you have read all the information, we ask you to let us know your choice via mijnpgbpensioen.nl. If you fail to pass on your choice to us, we will then gradually purchase a stable pension for you. In which case, you will no longer be able to choose to continue investing all your pension capital.
Yes, you will be offered the choice. You will be sent information regarding making this choice. Have you opted for a stable pension with Pensioenfonds PGB? If so, we will gradually purchase a stable pension from your pension capital. We spread these purchases over the years until you retire. Have you opted for a variable pension? If so, we will continue to invest all your pension capital until you retire.
The new pension may have an impact on the choice you made. It depends on the new pension-related choices made by your employer or the sector. We therefore do not yet know exactly how it will affect you.
This is what we do know