Step 1: Log in to
You log in to MijnPGBpensioen using your DigiD; this is a secure website. You are,therefore, the only person who can access your details.
Step 2: Check how much pension you will receive
You can see the net amounts you’ll receive each month when you retire, including your state pension (AOW). You can also see how much pension your partner will receive if you die. If you have a pension elsewhere, you should add that to the pension you have with us.
Step 3: List your expensditure
Make a list of your fixed expenditure. Also think about the things you would like to do after you retire and estimate what these would cost.
Step 4: Compare your income with your expenditures
Compare your expected expenditure with your total pension. If your expected expenditure is higher than your pension, it would be sensible to make extra arrangements to supplement your pension; by, for example, accruing extra pension.