Do you have a defined contribution scheme?
Here you can find information about:
Do you have an average salary scheme?
Here can you read information:
Your pension is a part of the income you will receive at a later date. Each month, you and your employer pay towards your pension (capital). When you retire, this will form part of the money from which you have to live.
The state pension (AOW) is the pension you eventually receive from the government. The date on which you first receive your state pension depends on your date of birth. Here you can calculate when you will receive state pension. The level of your state pension will depend on the number of years you have lived or worked in the Netherlands. Here you can see how much your state pension will be.
The pension that you accrue through your employer is a supplement to your state pension (AOW). Check out how much pension you have accrued.
You can also make pension arrangements yourself. For example, by saving money, concluding an annuity or by accruing extra pension with us.
It's important to think about your pension each year. After all, this is the money you will have to live on at a later date. It is, therefore, important you know how much money you can expect to receive at a later date. For that reason, we advise you to carry out a pension check each year.
Every month, you pay a contribution for your pension. You do not do this alone. You pay this together with your employer. We use a large part of your contribution for investment. This increases the value of your pension and later, you will receive more pension than the amount you have paid in contributions.
Here you can read our answers to frequently-asked questions. Watch the video here.
You receive information concerning your pension scheme in three sections. This is called Pension 1-2-3. In section 1 you can see an overview of what has been arranged for you. Would you like to read what kind of pension has been arranged for you? Then go to section 2. Would you like to have some legal information and more specific details concerning your pension scheme? Then go to section 3. You can find your pension 1-2-3 at MijnPGBpensioen(Your pension scheme).
Do you have a defined contribution scheme?
Here you can find information about:
Do you have an average salary scheme?
Here can you read information:
Are you sick or occupationally disabled? Or did you or your ex-partner accrue pension with us?
Click here for our general information (in Dutch).