An orphan's pension

You also have a pension for your children with us: the orphan’s pension. Your children will receive this pension when you die, each month until their 21th birthday, or until their 27th birthday, if they still study more than 18 hours per week or follow professional education. Foster and stepchildren are also entitled to an orphan’s pension.

That depends on your pension scheme and situation in the event of death:

You still work for your current employer and accrue pension capital with us

Your children will each receive 20% of the partner’s pension. Your Uniform Pension Statement (UPO) tells you how much this is.

You no longer work for your current employer or you have already retired

Your children will each receive 20% of the partner’s pension that we can buy from your pension capital. Your Uniform Pension Statement (UPO) tells you how much this is.

If both you and your partner die

In that case, we double the orphan’s pension.

Please note: If your salary is higher than €137,800 in 2025, you do not accrue orphan’s pension on this amount with us. Your employer may have arranged something extra for you and your children. Click here to view this (in Dutch only).

You still work for your current employer and accrue pension with us

Your children will each receive 14% of the retirement pension that you would have accrued had you continued working until your retirement date. Your Uniform Pension Statement (UPO) tells you how much this is.

You no longer work for your current employer or you have already retired

Your children will each receive 14% of the retirement pension you have accrued with us. Your Uniform Pension Statement (UPO) tells you how much this is.

In that case, we double the orphan’s pension.

Please note: If your salary is higher than €137,800 in 2025, you do not accrue orphan’s pension on this amount with us. Your employer may have arranged something extra for you and your children. Click here to view this.