Almost retired

Are you about to retire? Then it is important that you are well-prepared for your retirement and know what your financial situation will look like in the future. And what choices you can make.

How much pension will you receive

How much pension you will receive depends on 3 things. These are your salary, how long you have been accruing pension with us and the characteristics of your pension scheme.  Check out your pension scheme at MijnPGBpensioen.

Check out your total pension
Do you have other pensions somewhere else as well? Then go to There you can see the total amount of pension that you will receive.

You have several choices you can make:

Retiring early or later

Are you thinking of retiring early? It is possible; totally or partially. At Pensioenfonds PGB, you can retire once you reach the age of 55 years.

More or less pension for your partner

You can opt to change the level of your partner's pension.

Temporarily a higher or lower pension

You may want to have more pension in your early years of retirement and subsequently a lower pension; or vice versa.

Taking out part of your pension in one go

You will be able to take out part of your pension in one go when you retire. This is called 'lump sum'. This option will perhaps come into force on 1 July 2026.

Sometimes your pension is paid out at once
Is your pension at your retirement date lower than € 592.51 (total amount in 2024)? Then we will send you a proposal that we can wire you your pension at once. This is referred to as commutation. Of course it's up to you to decide whether or not you want this.


When will I first receive my pension?

With us, you will receive your pension from the first day of the month in which you are initially entitled to a state pension (AOW).

pensioen aanvragen

Applying for a pension

Approximately 3 months before your standard retirement date,  you will receive a letter from us. This will explain how you apply for your pension.

Association of pensioners

The association of pensioners (De vereniging van gepensioneerden) stands up for the interests of pensioners. Is there a vacancy for a board member on behalf of the pensioners? Then this association may nominate candidates. The association may also nominate 3 members for the accountability body.

Are there more candidates for board members on behalf of the pensioners than there are vacancies? Then elections will be held.