We are increasing pensions in 2023

In recent days, the media have told you that many pension funds are increasing pensions as of 1 January 2023. We understand very well that our participants and pension recipients are also looking forward to an increase in their pension and want to know how high it will be. We now know for sure that there is enough financial room to increase pensions next year, just like this year. We are currently determining how much we can increase the pensions by. So you will have to wait a while for the exact percentage. In this news item, we will explain why.
29 November 2022

You will be notified of the exact increase at the end of December
At the moment, it is not yet known by how much we can increase pensions. As a standard, our board determines the increase definitively at the beginning of January, for which it uses the most current coverage ratio. The coverage ratio is the ratio between our assets and the pensions we have to pay out. This enables us to determine as precisely as possible how much room we have to increase pensions. This year, we are speeding up our decision-making process, so you will receive clarity from us by the end of December at the latest.

Our ambition is an inflation-proof pension for all our participants
Inflation-proof means your pension grows in line with inflation. That way, you don’t lose purchasing power. Every increase must be fair, however. This has to work out well for everyone who accrues or receives a pension with us, young and old, for now and in the future.

We are reviewing our increasing method
At Pensioenfonds PGB, we apply a so-called fixed increase percentage, which is a maximum of 3%. Other funds often determine their maximum increase on the basis of wage developments in their sector or the average price increase. In recent weeks, our board has discussed to what extent the fixed increase is still a fair way to increase pensions. We have noticed that the price increase this year is much higher than expected. The new pension system also makes it more difficult to compensate years in which inflation is high with years in which inflation is low. The board is now looking at how we can best meet the ambition of an inflation-proof pension. As soon as this decision has been made, the board will also make a final decision on the increase of the pensions.

Watch the vlog of chairman of the board Jochem Dijckmeester soon
We are happy to include you in our decision about the amount of the increase and the method used. You can view that explanation in a vlog by Jochem. The vlog will be available on our website and on PensioenTrefpunt, the online platform for members of our Association of Pensioners, in the course of December. You can of course also read more information about the increase in our digital newsletter and in our magazine PGB Beeld. This will fall on your (digital) doormat no later than the end of March.

Receiving the latest news about your pension digitally
If you’re looking for a quick read of the latest news about your pension, via our digital newsletter, for example, you can. We prefer to communicate with you digitally. That is easy for you and it saves costs. Signing up for digital communication is easy via your ‘personal details and preferences’ at mijnpgbpensioen.nl.