Will you be taking parental leave after 1 April 2022? Then you will accrue less pension. This is because Pensioenfonds PGB’s parental leave scheme will change on 1 April 2022.
From that date, you will no longer be able to accrue pension at our expense. This means that you will not accrue any pension for the hours of your parental leave. Your partner’s and orphan’s pensions will, however, remain fully insured.
If you start taking parental leave before 1 April 2022?
Then a transitional arrangement will apply until 1 January 2023. We will continue to pay your pension benefits for the hours you spend on parental leave until 31 December 2022. This pension accrual at our expense will stop on 1 January 2023, or earlier, if your parental leave ends earlier.
Are you an employer with employees who make use of the parental leave scheme?
For employees who are already on parental leave on 30 March 2022, we will pay the pension contributions for their parental leave until 31 December 2022. If their parental leave ends earlier, then we will also stop paying the contributions for this leave from that moment on. Employees who are on parental leave on or after 1 April 2022 will no longer accrue pension at our expense for these hours.
Notification of parental leave via UPA
From 1 January 2022, you must notify parental leave differently via UPA. Our dedicated UPA page explains how to notify parental leave from 1 January 2022.
Have you made agreements with your employees on full pension accrual during parental leave?
Does your collective bargaining agreement state that the pension accrual will not be reduced during parental leave? Or have you agreed this with your employees? Then you must inform us of this. You can read how to notify this in the form on the dedicated UPA page under ‘wat doe ik in bijzondere situaties?’ (What to do in special situations). You must also notify our software developer of these agreements.