Informing employees

Naturally, you want your employees to be well-informed about their pensions. You can inform them about this. We will be happy to assist with this. We also noticed that our participants sometimes get worried for no reason at all. That is why we are starting a campaign about pension misunderstandings. Click here to go directly to the campaign misunderstandingd.

In en uit dienst werknemer

Employment and dismissal

A new job has consequences for your employee’s pension.

Verandering salaris

Change of salary

If your employee’s salary changes, that can have consequences for his or her pension. 

Bijna met pensioen werknemer

Nearing retirement age

Your employee must apply for his/her pension himself/herself.

Werkloos werknemer


If your employee becomes unemployed, he or she will no longer accrue pension with us.

Ziek of arbeidsongechikt werknemer

Sick or occupationally disabled

When your employees are sick or occupationally disabled their pensions are affected.

Verlof werknemer

On leave

When your employee take leave, the leave could have an impact on their pensions. 

No more misunderstandings about pensions!

Do you know them too? The many misunderstandings about pensions? We want to get rid of the world with your help! Because we notice our participants sometimes get worried for no reason at all. That is why we are starting a campaign about pension misunderstandings.