
Pensioenfonds PGB is the pension fund for and arranged by social partners from various sectors. Together, we ensure the best possible, affordable pension for our participants.

Every sector and every employer is different. Consequently, social partners and employers decide for themselves just what sort of pension scheme they want us to provide for them. With assets in excess of approximately € 34.9 billion (31 January 2024), we are among the top 10 of the largest pension funds in the Netherlands.

We were established in 1953 by employers and employees in the graphic arts industry. Since then, several other business sectors have affiliated themselves to us.


The Board is responsible for the administration of the pension schemes. 


Our mission, vision and core values

Pensioenfonds PGB offers security for the future, but is about more than money alone. 

Onze missie, visie en merkwaarden


Pensioenfonds PGB has an internal supervisory board and two external supervisory authorities. 


Representation of interests

Different organisations nominate candidates to the Board. 


We consult regularly with sectoral committee, the employers’ council and client panels on the administration of the pension schemes and communications with participants. 

Articles and regulations

Pensioenfonds PGB has drawn up Articles and regulations. You can view them now, or print or download them (in Dutch only). 

Accountability body 

The accountability body represents the interests of the many employers registered with Pensioenfonds PGB.