Financial position

Here you can read all about the financial position of Pensioenfonds PGB. See information on raising and lowering pensions, the annual reports, investment results and other financial documents. You will then know the financial position of your pension fund.


Coverage ratio

The coverage ratio shows you what our financial position is.

Pensioenfonds PGB in cijfers

Pensioenfonds PGB key figures

Our most important key figures in one overview.


Pensioenfonds PGB tries to keep costs as low as possible 

We incur costs for the management and investments of the pensions. We aim to keep these costs as low as possible. There are two types of costs: 

Pension administration costs 
These are costs for the administration of pensions and for informing participants about their pensions. This also includes the costs of the Board In 2023, the costs per participant were €210.  

Asset management costs 
These are the costs for investing the pensions. In 2023, they amounted to 0.46% of the invested capital. 

Financiële rapportages

Financial reports

We report regularly on our financial position. We publish quarterly reports every quarter and our Annual Report once a year. 

Rekenrente en pensioen

Actuarial interest rates and pensions

With the assets, we must be able to pay the pensions of all our participants, now and in the future. In order to determine whether we have enough assets for this, we make calculations with an interest rate: the actuarial interest rate.  

Verhogen of verlagen

Higher or lower

Whether pensions are higher or lower depends on our financial position. 

Recovery plan

The recovery plan explains how we aim to ensure that the coverage ratio increases again 

The coverage ratio of Pensioenfonds PGB is currently too low. We therefore have a recovery plan, stating how we intend to ensure that the coverage ratio rises above 122% again within 10 years. As long as the coverage ratio is lower than 122%, we must submit a new recovery plan to the Dutch Central Bank every year. 

See the recovery plan (Dutch only). 

Interest rates, investments and coverage ratio

What role do interest rates, our investments and the coverage ratio play in your pension? The video (in Dutch) below explains.