
The website of Pensioenfonds PGB is primarily used to provide information to employers, employees and pensioners from the various sectors connected with Pensioenfonds PGB. The information and calculation modules are published for personal use only. The copying, editing or distribution of the content of the website is not allowed without permission from Pensioenfonds PGB.

Although Pensioenfonds PGB handles its information with great care and tries to update the content as often as possible, it can not accept liability for accuracy and/or completeness of the content of the website and the use and interpretation of it. Pensioenfonds PGB can not guarantee a flawless and/or error-free (user) experience.

In any disputes with Pensioenfonds PGB, given the purpose of the website, no appeal can be done to the information of our site. In that case the statutes adopted by the board, regulations and annual reports of Pensioenfonds PGB are leading.

On the information on this website and its disclaimer is Dutch law applied.